
Find your perfect money-life balance

How can you make optimal financial decisions for your life in a self-determined way and independent of your income or life situation? Which financial products are really important to you? And which suit your needs? How can you make the most of your financial potential? AIRboard, your Digital Finance Coach, unlocks the answers:

… mit dem AIRboard, deinem digitalen Finanzcoach:

Runder dunkelblauer Störer mit der Aufschrift Betaversion.
Aufgeklapptes Laptop mit AIRboard-Software auf dem Bildschirm.

* AIRboard aims to fit your needs as simply and effectively as possible. Support us in our development and get active in a movement that will make financial autonomy a reality for everyone.

Wieviel Haus können wir uns leisten?
Drei Personen sitzen auf einem Sofa. Die Frau, rechts, hält ein Kleinkind auf dem Schoß. Der Mann, links daneben, hält ein Handy in der Hand. Alle drei schauen interessiert auf das Display.
Welche Geldanlage macht Sinn für mich?
Eine Frau mittleren Alters sitzt am Schreibtisch. Vor ihr steht ein Laptop. Sie hält einen Stift in der Hand und schaut nachdenklich nach oben.
Welche Versicherungen brauche ich wirklich?

* AIRboard aims to fit your needs as simply and effectively as possible. Support us in our development and get active in a movement that will make financial autonomy a reality for everyone.

The AIRboard idea

Digital Finance Coach.
and feel-good manager.

Your money is there to help you live the life you want. This is the vision behind AIRboard. But our idea is about more than just money and numbers: AIRboard is about the good feeling of self-determined action. Our algorithm allows you to develop and manage your customised financial strategy: independently, autonomously and without the subjectivity of a traditional financial advisor.

Dabei stellt dir das AIRboard die wirklich wichtigen Fragen: Was ist dir im Leben wichtig, wie willst du heute und in Zukunft leben? So kannst du unterschiedliche finanzielle Lebensziele und Träume visualisieren und deren Auswirkungen erkennen. Du gewinnst Planungs- und Entscheidungssicherheit und kannst auf äußere Umstände flexibel und souverän reagieren.

0 %

of people find it increasingly difficult to make the right financial and retirement decisions *

0 %

of people think it is important to be able to make their own decisions on financial matters *

* You Gov, Study 4/22

0 %

of people feel responsible for the success or failure of their financial decisions *

* You Gov, Study 4/22

Portrait von Horst Schneider, Gründer und Geschäftsführer der AIR GmbH

In my 20 years as a financial advisor, I have seen time and again how much the quality of a person’s life can be lost through inadequate attention and improper advice, as well as a simple lack of understanding when it comes to financial matters. AIRboard solves this dilemma.


Horst Schneider
Founder & Managing Director

Digital coach and personal advice

Strengthen your money awareness

Excellent financial advice, independent insurance portals, smart robo-advisors – the financial world offers a broad spectrum of possibilities. But which makes sense for you? Which one is the best? The choice is always yours – so it’s a good feeling if you can choose with confidence.

AIRboard & AIRcode

Using our tested algorithm, AIRboard ensures that your money is put to work exactly as it should be. It provides you the basis to make safe and effective financial decisions. AIRcode can do even more: It allows you to quantitatively measure the quality of your financial strategy, to navigate the fastest route to your optimum financial setup.

Zwei grüne Flächen, die sich in der Mitte überlappen und eine Schnittmenge bilden. In der linken Fläche ist ein Icon mit Zahlen platziert. In der rechten Fläche ist ein Icon einer Person zu sehen.

AIRboard expert

Do you have questions about AIRboard, or would you like to know more about how it can help manage your financial situation? As an AIRboard subscriber, you can talk to an AIRboard expert in person anytime. This service is included in the basic fee. And you can book a personal contact meeting for individual questions as needed.